IIPImage: Generating thumbnails of specific sizes

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Example Synatax

Width Specific


Height Specific

  • iipimage-server-url?FIF=/Full/Pyramid/Path&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&HEI=128&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg

Minimal Details

  • iipimage-server-url?FIF=/Full/Pyramid/Path&WID=128&CVT=jpeg
  • iipimage-server-url?FIF=/Full/Pyramid/Path&HEI=128&CVT=jpeg


The order of the GET variables included in the URL is important, feel free to try and experiment :-)

  • FIF: Absolute file path for the pyramidal image.
  • SDS: Sets the data object store. The first digit is related to selecting a particular image in a stack and the second is related to angles.Optional value.
  • CNT: Contrast adjustment. Try decreasing or increasing this values by multiples of 0.1 to see the effect. Optional value.
  • WID or HEI: Defined pixel dimension of the generate image, at the time of writing the specific dimension of the resultant images will be 1 below the defined number. I assume that this is a result of rounding issues or it may be related to the fact that many numerical systems within programming begin with 0 rather than 1. The maximum possible pixel dimension (width or height) irrespective of which variable is defined can be limited using the MAX_CVT server variable, see website for more details.
  • QLT: Jpeg compression quality. A default value can be set for this using the JPEG_QUALITY server variable, see website for more details. Optional value.
  • CVT: This lets the server know that you require a single full version of the image.


  • Please note in the examples given below the &.jpg suffix at the end of some of the address within the MediaWiki syntax is not needed by IIPImage, it is just required to ensure that MediaWiki treats it like a normal external image.


256px wide 256px high 128px wide 128px high 64px wide 64px high
N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&WID=256&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg&.jpg N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&HEI=256&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg&.jpg N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&WID=128&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg&.jpg N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&HEI=128&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg&.jpg N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&WID=64&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg&.jpg N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&HEI=64&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg&.jpg

Brightened Image Darkened Image Jpeg quality 100 Jpeg quality 10
N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.5&HEI=256&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg&.jpg N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=0.5&HEI=256&QLT=75&CVT=jpeg&.jpg N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&HEI=256&QLT=100&CVT=jpeg&.jpg N-1093-00-000328-PYR.tif&SDS=0,90&CNT=1.0&HEI=256&QLT=10&CVT=jpeg&.jpg

Related to page Dissemination_of_High_Resolution_Images.